We use this location for more than one class/workshop.
For the Sports Photography Workshop we recommend telephoto lenses and something in the 35-85mm range for wide shots but feel free to bring any lens(es) you would like to try. Wide angle and even fisheye can be used creatively with most sports.
For Portrait workshops we recommend 50-105mm & 18-35mm for crop sensor cameras, 80-135mm & 24-50mm for full frame sensors and 35-50 & 10-25mmmm for Micro Four Thirds cameras. The wider angle lenses are for group portraits. Again bring any lens you would like to experiment with as well.
For other classes and workshops bring what you instructor recommended or contact us a couple days prior to your class/workshop.
If you are part of a Portrait workshop or and Advanced Photography Course please feel free to bring a model or two unless you instructor has told you not to do so.
Tripods and Remote Shutter Release if you have them.
Polarizing filters can usually enhance the blue in the sky.
Neutral Density filters are good for Portrait & Sports Workshops as well as Advanced Photography Courses.
Flashlight, in case it is dark before we leave.